by Roni Alasor
Brussels, 8 March 2020 - Middle East Diplomatic - Since 8th March 2019, in one year, totally around 520 women has been killed in Turkey. The number of killed women before the islamist-nationalist AKP took power in 2002 should be around 60-100 per year. Its a dramatic increase, but EU is not better.
According the Turkey Foundation Hope (Umut Vakfı), the Platform We Will Stop Femicide and We Don`t Want To Die, in the last 3 months, September-October-November 2019, at the least 128 women have been killed mostly by near family members, often by their husband, brother, father or strangers. 8 of the 128 crimes happened in Kurdistan region in Turkey (mainly in Mardin, Diyarbakir, Van and Agri), but the rest of 120 crimes were in Turkish regions, mostly in Istanbul, Central-Turkish Anatolia, Turkish Mediterranean and Aegean costs.
Many experts and women organisations do believe that the islamisation of Turkey and latest economical crises is causing for more violence in turkish society. There are also many suicides in Turkey because of hard economical crises, even collective suicides as the latest examples “collective suicides” with cyanide where several family members are involved. According to data from Turkish Statistics Institute (TSI), 3161 people in Turkey ended their life in 2018. However, the suicides in Europe is more higher than in Turkey. While Turkey is placed in 2.6 suicides per 100.000 inhabitants, Belgium is one of the top in Europe with 17, worst some Baltic countries and East Europe going up to 25-29.
Femicide world-wide
According to a 2018 report of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), some 87,000 women and girls were murdered worldwide. Of these, 58 percent had their life taken by someone in their inner circle, 30,000 by their spouse or intimate partner, and another 20,000 by a member of their own family. Some 1,000 of the 5,000 so-called “honour killings” reported around the world every year, are committed in India.
Worst in Russia where also thousands of women are involved in violence and killing : According a report from Independent daily published on 26 November 2019, in Russia, some 40 women a day and 14,000 women a year die at the hands of their husbands and 600,000 face domestic violence each year, the Russian Interior Ministry estimates. But those figures do not give a full picture of the scale of the problem given research has found 60 to 70 per cent of women in the country do not come forward to report domestic violence.
Femicide in Europe
In Europe, around 8000 women are killed, writing UNODC in its report. The survey released by the EU`s external action service highlighting violence against women in Eastern and Southern Europe is higher than other central European countries. 70% percent of the women from Eastern/Southern region saying that they have experienced some form of violence since turning 15. Forty-five per cent of women interviewed said they experienced at least one form of sexual harassment and 21% said they experienced "physical, sexual or psychological violence during childhood".
In Belgium, with capital city of EU Brussels, between 30-40 women are killed annually in the last years. If you compeer with ca 11 million Belgium with the around 84 million Turkish population, than the number of killed women in Belgium are rising up to 350-400 per year. “Me-too movument” abusing seriously the women struggle and putting questions remarks when they are giving false reports and information to the authorities. This is a growing problem which is feeding the criminal industry living over the life of children, women and men.
Some female lawyers and female police officers who are working in Brussels police and dealing with women-family conflicts saying that “the early prevention is not our task. Why police / school-lawyer / psychologists have to work with early prevention before someone are injured or killed. We are busy with the result".
After studying eight (8) different family cases in Brussels region here is my conclusion : The way the "officers of industry" are handling the family conflicts and the methods they are using is often catastrophic for all family members who in the end become as victim of the industry. Worst for immigration families and parents with lower-incom. But the biggest victim of those cases are children who are often ending in narco-alcohol industry and other crimes under name of "freedom". Some parents also getting difficulties with alcohol and narcotics. Some of them losing money, friends, job, become weaken and getting aggressive against lies, provocations and injustice. This is very alarming red line which is resulting more violation and any kind of criminal acts. Symptoms of serious weaknesses can collapse one of the partner who can hurt them self or others. Those kind of victims should be followed and helped by professional people, but not by those who are self victim of different kind of problems. The wealthy EU should to think seriously why every year around 60.000 people committing suicide ? It makes about 165 lives per day.
EU - member country using billion Euro- result ?
EU/member countries are using billions of Euro each year for so called prevention against femicide without any effective result. The main question is where this money is going and how its use it ? Research show that some parts of this money is abused by some people which is using the family tragedies and femicide as a criminal industry: Some of those people in the industry receiving 150-350 Euro per hour and have good connection with some people in the industry who are dealing with family conflicts. In some cases, sharpening of the family conflicts cost also the life of family members while the "advisors" getting rich.
The early prevention and other methods are not used in a effective way, or not at all, but sometimes wrong methods are used in a very negative way to confront partners more which is sharpening the conflict and prolonging the juridical process / more money for the industry. Once they destroyed a family, the juridical process will take many years. In the end, all family are economical and psychological is ruined. Some people who are in charge of those cases have often low knowledge and low qualification about the background of the family conflicts.
A serious investigation is necessary
The unprofessional “experts” involved in the family-industry, which is often based for job and money than to use professional prevention before family tragedies happening, is one of the common big problem in many EU countries. Studies shows that especially former USSR satellite countries/East Europe and Brussels region in Belgium is one of the worst examples in EU. EU and its member countries should make a serious investigation how the billions of money used, for which purposes, but also the quality of the “professional teams” is crucial, as well as their ethical “independent” altitude and human values.
Violation against men is taboo
The statics regarding all kind of violation against men, including social, psychological, economical and physical violation and crimes is almost a taboo to speak about or to have facts and figures. The “Me Too” “Me Too” movement become more and more "popular" in nowadays and used/abused as well while the crimes against the homophile and transsexual men is also growing.